Wednesday, June 1

Houston, We Have a Yolk Sac

All normal. Not only normal, a little ahead of schedule even--we measured nearly 6 weeks at only 5w2d. We not only have a perfectly normal gestational sac, we also have a beautifully normal yolk sac. All in the right places and the right shapes and sizes. I even obsessively insisted on writing down all measurements for later googling and, by golly, it was all good news!

I am stunned. You could knock me over with a feather. I may even plotz. Since when does good news come from the RE's office? I am not sure what to do now, but I am daring to dream a little here.

I could just kiss all of you. Really. I mean that.


Bittermama said...

Just had to comment here as well - so, so excited for you!

Rosanne said...

Congrats on this great turn of events! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

told you! i don't know why the docs like to take all the fun out of the bfp.

Bittermama said...

ooooo, I like the addition of the tattoo pic!