Thursday, April 27


of information that is. Here's what I know: Baby Bug is holding steady, if not actually getting better, and he's managed to avoid any procedures more invasive that lots of blood pressure readings. Hooray! We're not in the clear, but we're closer to it than we've been in months so I'll take it.

I also know that I am officially the worst blogger ever. If you're still out there, thanks for keeping up with me/us. I don't know that I'm ready to quit blogging altogether (you may be wondering what the difference would be!) but it appears that blogging is falling ever lower on my lengthening to do list. I'm mulling, but in the meantime, I promise to continue to update on BB's progress.

Here's a spanky fresh pic of the little bugger (ha! get it? I'm hilarious, I know):

Thursday, April 6

Life Is So Uncertain

We know nothing, except that we are still waiting. Baby Bug's previously-discussed possible medical badness is still pretty much the same, despite the meds increase. His PC increased the dosage again and we're giving it another two weeks before moving onto to check out the kidneys, etc.

I guess that's good that we didn't have to do anything right now, today? Yes, of course it's good, what am I saying? It's just not over. We don't have to do it today but I'm pretty sure we still have to do it. And if we have to do it, we might as well do it today so that we can all go do something else, like go to the park or something.

* * *

On a much much happier and very long-awaited note, isn't it wonderful that the lovely and talented Dead Bug and Jen have safely delivered their lovely and talented daughter and son (respectively) into the world? And on the very same day, to boot. Congratulations to the happy families!

Three Months Old

I mean, look at that face.

Wednesday, April 5

Mad Baby

Tomorrow is Baby Bug's third post-op appointment with his pediatric cardiologist (PC) and I have been fighting with a feeling of impending doom for two weeks now. Oh lovely internets, you have been there for me countless times and I turn to you yet again. It's going to be ok, right?

Since I skipped most of the oogy parts, let me fill you in on the necessary background. Baby Bug had a severely narrowed portion of his aorta (a coarctation of the aorta), which is the main artery supplying blood to the body, and also a hypoplastic (narrowed) transverse aortic arch. These problems meant that he was getting precious little precious blood circulating to about 2/3 of his body, which showed up clinically as really high blood pressure in the arm (before the obstruction) and significantly lower pressure in the leg (after the obstruction). This discrepancy in the blood pressure is caused by the fact that the heart is having to work so much harder to try to push the blood through the obstruction (high in arm) but it doesn't really get through much (low in leg); it is referred to as the gradient. Does that make sense (in an amateur cardiologist kind of way)? Incidentally, you should have no gradient a'tal.

So then, pre-op, Baby Bug's gradient was 40-50. Post-op, it was zero, and all was as it should be. Two weeks ago, it was 25. I don't know the whole range of explanations for the new gradient, but from what I understand, this is not a good development. As in, it appears that there may be some sort of (new? returned?) obstructive-ness going on in there.

On top of that crap sundae, my boy has hypertension that just won't quit. As in double the BP a lad of his size should be presenting. Even while medicated. (And I know what you're thinking, but no, it has absolutely nothing to do with my own personal BP issues. I wish it did--it would be less scary, medically speaking.) This is, in the words of his PC, "surprising."


Got any chicken bones left to shake out there, internet aunties?

I swear to all that is holy we will one day be healthy again over here in the Bug Household and talk about something else.