Friday, July 15

Invisible Ink Is Pretty Techno-Geek, No?

I am still uneasy talking about my pregnancy, on this blog and IRL. So, in attempt number 4,027 to find some middle ground, I am going to outright steal this idea from T. at Good Times, Good Times and use some invisible ink for the most egregiously pregnancy-related stuff. Or at least I'm going to try it and see how it goes. Highlight the space below if you want to read such things:

My anxiety-ridden belief in all things bad (again, see T.'s most recent post for elaboration) led me to shell out hard-earned cash to rent a home doppler machine a couple of weeks ago. Not surprisingly, this led to even more anxiety because I couldn't find the freaking heartbeat! Everywhere I looked I found only mine. Stupid and plodding and slow and why in the hell do I have so many blood vessels in my pelvis? I mean, shouldn't two or three do the job? Sheesh.

Last night, in a fit of optimism, I tried again. No dice. K., sweet man that he is, tried to convince me that the machine was defective, not the baby. My belief in technology remains strangely unshaken so I argued with him (as I am wont to do these days), and in mid-sentence, THERE IT WAS! I found it! Eureka!

Baby G. is alive and well in there. What an overwhelming relief. I will admit to crying a little.


PJ said...

That is awesome. I will be renting one of those doppler things too. I can't wait till I can have daily assurance that flipper is still with us.

Congrats on finding the heartbeat and that it's still there. I hope you were able to sleep well last night.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear all is well. What a sweet sound that must have been!

DeadBug said...

That's a lovely change of pace, dear Mud. Peace of mind is a beautiful thing.


Cass said...

The home doppler thing is so damn cool - so glad it's finally providing appropriate reassurance!

Susie said...

Congrats! That is super.

My doppler arrived a week ago. It was still a little early for me to hear the hb (10 weeks) so I have only tried twice. I know that once I can hear it, it'll be a great comfort. Right now I am trying not to get stressed that I still can't find it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Aw, that's sweet. Glad things are going well.

Thanks for using the invisible ink - I just realized that we can see the white text when looked at via bloglines - whoops!