Since we spoke last, there have been many new doin's in my little patch of the world. The summary: new job, new car, new hair, friend's new pregnancy, newly-bad FSH levels and new attitude. I shall elaborate:
As I mentioned in the last post, I will be switching back to the New Old Job in a couple of weeks. The reaction of Current Boss and Co-workers has been, to put it mildly, less than stellar. Shades of the Spanish Inquisition. No matter--I'm still leaving. And I am counting the milliseconds.
Leaving Current Job means also that Company Car and I must part ways. This is sad. But, I did get to blow three whole days at various dealerships test driving every vehicle I could get my hot little hands on. And I even drove one home. So, yay for driving fun! Boo to family finances!
And, in the midst of all this, I decided to whack off my hair. Lost about 8 inches actually, which felt surprisingly good. Light and easy and, dare I say it, SASSY. I love it. K. is not so easily convinced but he didn't have to blowdry the mass every day so he doesn't really get to vote.
That about sums up the good stuff. Onto the bad-----
K and I went to see Dr. All Business to discuss the Hideously Awful HSG. I was mentally prepared for all kinds of tube talk and attempts to get me back on that x-ray table (not bloody likely!). I was not prepared for a little sit down talk about my FSH levels. For the uninitiated (as I was until so very recently), FSH stands for Follicle Stimulating Hormone and the idea is that the higher your FSH is, the harder your body is having to work to make your ovaries cooperate. Apparently, this indicates possible trouble with egg quality and/or quality. AND, the kicker is that all my moaning and angst-y groaning about taking a break from TTC due to New Old Job was for naught. Dr. All Business says, in no uncertain terms, that the aforementioned crappy FSH means we are not to take a break of more than a month or two. Then, the New Plan is to do 2-3 clomid/prometrium cycles, then a diagnostic Lap/Tube Blow-out, then injectable IUIs. The fun begins in May. I am literally on the edge of my seat with excitement. (I know, I know--a bit heavy on the sarcasm. Sorry).
Then, that very same day, a good friend takes me to lunch to tell me that she is pregnant. And that it's amazing because they started trying LAST MONTH. Why oh why oh why did she feel the need to share that little tidbit? She knows what has been going on in my little TTC hell. She also knows what kind of hell our Third Friend--infertile also--has been living with for the last 18 months. She should have kept her damn trap shut and pretended like it at least took 6 months or something. I felt like I had a sign plastered to my forehead reading, "Broken".
I said at the beginning that I had a new attitude, didn't I? Well, it comes and goes. The old one is very tenacious.
Sorry you are having FSH problems but it seems not to be insurmountable. Your doc would not be formulating a good plan for you if it was beyond all hope, surely?? Hang on to that new attitude and wear it well!
Oh, for the love of gad, why do people feel it necessary to tell you that they've "only been trying a month" or, my friends' and family's personal favorite, "We weren't really trying, but we weren't trying not to..."
I know I've already said this about six hundred times, but I'm really impressed with the way you're keeping your head above water while everything's in such a state of flux for you. Oh, and what kind of car did you buy? Need the details, woman!
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