Monday, February 14

Angst of a Slightly Different Flavor

Hey kids. Big doings to report. I have gotten an offer from Old Job and I am so out of here. This is a good thing, I promise.


(You knew there was a but, right?)

What in the world am I going to do now about this baby thing? We going to see Dr. All Business this week to get the New Post-HSG Plan and, presumably, start on it. We skipped the Clomid/Prometrium this month because I was expecting The Offer to come, as it did. And, if we pretend like the C/P might have actually worked then I would be conceiving on one insurance and delivering on another. That sounds very messy. Not to mention the joy and elation that will no doubt ring through the halls at Old/New Job if I announce a pregnancy a month after starting there.

But then again, is it really wise to intentionally put off proceeding with the Plan? I mean, there is no guarantee that any of this will be successful (and that is the understatement of the year) and what will additional delay cost me?

Any words of advice out there? I could use them.


JJ said...

First off, congratulations on the job offer.

My personal opinion is to go for it. But that's just me.

DeadBug said...

For what it's worth, I'd say, go for it anyway. The insurance thing is easy enough to deal with, and I doubt your new-old employer would feel make a different hiring decision if they knew you were trying.
