Thursday, February 10

Important Things That I Remembered That I Forgot

1. A lot of coffee and no food is bad.
2. So are maxipads.
3. My husband is an absolute gem of a man.
4. That doesn't make his snoring any less annoying.
5. Big dramatic crying jags actually do help.
6. They also make your eyes really really puffy.
7. People don't notice new suits but they do notice puffy eyes.
8. You people are the best thing to happen to me in recent memory.


JJ said...

; )

DeadBug said...

Husbands can be amazingly kind creatures, but when they're snoring in the night, it almost feels as if they're doing it out of spite. HOW CAN THEY NOT HEAR THEMSELVES?!

And as for your last point, let's all have a big love-fest because we're very glad to have found you as well.
