Monday, January 31

When Perfect Charts Attack!!!!

So, I'm on CD2. Big surprise there, eh? The good news: a normal LP for once and ordinary spotting levels. I am, of course, glad about that new development, but my self-diagnosing inner nurse is concerned. If low progesterone is not in fact the problem, then what in the hell is it? I don't have any other ideas and, incidentally, neither did Dr. All Business.

On to Plan 47 then. I'm doing the big CD3 bloodwork tomorrow, then the fantabulous HSG, then Clomid extravangza and Prometrium up the hoo-ha. I guess I had better dig out the Mucinex.

It is amazing to me how the emotional roller coaster manages to seem fresh and new every cycle. Even though it is the same process each and every time--despondency with AF, then single-minded eye on the prize, then creeping Hope and renewed chart stalking--the memories of all the failed cycles that have gone before layer one atop the other to make it something different. As this goes on and on and on, the actual process of TTC'ing takes up less of my conscious mind even while the emotional toll grows under the surface. I don't want to talk about it, don't want to think about it, I just want to wallow.

Predictably, I'll feel better in a few days. And I'll again forget all about getting kicked in the stomach by that perfect, perfect chart.

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

I've been lurking on your blog for the last week or so now. Looks like we're on the same path. Perfect chart followed by the b*itch and rides on the dildocam. I did my CD3 testing today and have my first RE appt tomorrow so I am assuming on the dildocam. Sounds like you've been able to push it to the back of your mind while I've been doing all I can to shove all these thoughts aside.
