Saturday, December 10

Baby Pics

As promised, here is my favorite ultrasound picture. Imagine that you are standing near his feet and, well, looking up his nose from below. The part I find so endearing is the little chubby cheek.

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*I am not sure what that is in the background. Hands maybe?*

Friday, December 9

Home Again. (Again.)

So that nausea thing got worse. And became vomiting. And then my BP was up. And I started getting some tenderness in the infamous right upper quadrant, a.k.a. Liver Land. So I stalled a bit thinking I had an appointment with my OB Thursday, but apparently I didn't. I saw the Nurse Practitioner and had a couple of increasingly panicky conversations with the on-call OB, via the NP. Then they stalled for a while with another Non Stress Test while they tried to decide what to do with me. And then another three way conversation with OB Number 3 (if anyone's counting), before they finally decided to admit me to rule out the horrid HELLP syndrome.

Whew. That was exhausting.

I am pleased to report that liver tests were all normal, platelets normal, all HELLP-related testing normal except that I am persistently anemic. Big deal, right? Protein is up a bit from last week and BP is "funky" and will "probably get funkier." The new guesstimate is maybe a couple more weeks of baking before it all goes to shit?

And now for the obligatory closing whine; I apologize in advance:

I thought I was over this a month ago. And then I thought I was REALLY over it. And I was sure I couldn't take another minute. And yet I'm still here. I have become totally antisocial because I either don't feel well or, increasingly, I just don't have anything good to say. People who haven't talked to me in several weeks or months will call and I just don't have the energy to pretend like everything is ok and chat about this and that. But, if no one calls, then I feel like everyone has forgotten about me in this arctic wasteland of bedrest. Ack! Ack! Ack! I am horrified at the thought of this dragging into 2006. I can't even tell you. It has been 13 weeks now. And three hospitalizations so far. There has got to be an end!!!!!!

I did finally get a cute ultrasound picture of BNN from the perinatologist, who has a bizarre propensity to take pictures of knees and elbows and other non-cuddly parts. If you're all very very good, I will try to remember to scan it for you. He has my nose.

Friday, December 2

92 Days Down

Lips swelling.

BP edging up again.

COBRA elected (thanks to all for the help).

Nausea?? At 31 weeks??

Marital relationship a tad, ummm, strained.

The Baby Incubator is fed the fuck up.

I just don't know how much longer I can do this.